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Neptune Menu  

Neso, a moon of Neptune


Natural satellite of Neptune
Average distance from Neptune
48,390,000 km
30,068,094 miles
Diameter across equator
60 km
37 miles
Time to orbit Neptune
9374 days
Year of Discovery
Origin of Name
One of the 50 Nereids of Greek mythology, kind and helpful sea nymphs who are the daughters of Nereus and Doris. Neso is the goddess of islands

Neso is one of Neptune's fourteen moons. It has a diameter of 60 kilometres (37 miles). It orbits at an average distance of 48.4 million kilometres (30 million miles) from Neptune, taking 9,374 Earth days, or 26 Earth years, to complete a full journey around the planet. It is Neptune's most distant moon and also the most distant moon of any planet in the solar system.

Neso is classed as an irregular retrograde moon. An irregular moon usually refers to a moon that has been captured by a planet's gravity rather than one which formed around it. A retrograde moon is one that orbits in the opposite direction of its host planet's rotation. It's likely that Neso was originally an asteroid or an object that formed in the Kuiper Belt.

Why is Neso called Neso?

In Greek mythology, Neso is one of the Nereids, one of the 50 daughters of Nereus and Doris. The Nereids are kind and helpful sea nymphs. Neso is the goddess of islands.

The moon Neso officially got its name on 3rd February 2007. Its provisional name was S/2002 N 4. It may also be referred to as Neptune XIII.

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